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Metalbac & Farbe istnieje od 1994 roku. Obecnie główną domeną firmy jest produkcja szerokiej gamy farb, lakierów, emalii, rozcieńczalników i produktów do poziomego oznakowania dróg pod nazwą: FARBE, FABERPLAST, SPRAYPLAST, THERMOCOLOR i PREFORM TCG. Zajmujemy się również projektowaniem i produkcją gier podwórkowych dla dzieci pod nazwą PLAYFORM.
FARBEPLAST Plan - Cold plastic road marking material based on methyl methacrylate
Farbeplast - Plan is a 2K Cold-Plastic system, based on MMA (methyl methacrylate), that can be used for application of 1 up to 3 mm thick flat (plain) road markings. The 2K material Farbeplast - Plan can be applied as longitudinal road marking through extrusion with special road marking machines or as transverse or diverse markings such as: horizontal road marking signs, pedestrian crossings, bicycle lanes, parking spaces etc.
MoreFARBEPLAST Profilat - Cold plastic road marking material based on methyl methacrylate
Farbeplast – Profilat is a 2K Cold-Plastic system, based on MMA (methyl methacrylate), which can be used for application of profiled road markings up to 8 mm. Road markings made with Farbeplast – Profilat have a resonator effect and can be applied by extrusion with specialized road marking machines (for profiled longitudinal markings) or manually (for rumble stripes).
MoreFARBEPLAST Structurat - Cold plastic Agglomerate/Spotflex road marking material
Farbeplast – Structurat is a 2K Cold-Plastic system, based on MMA (methyl methacrylate), which can be used for application of Agglomerate road markings (stochastic three-dimensional structure) or Spotflex road markings (multi-dot, symmetric three-dimensional structure). Agglomerate and Spotflex are Type II road markings, allowing water dissipation so that the glass beads from the surface can reflect light without obstacles, ensuring a good nighttime retroreflectivity in rainy weather conditions.
MoreQUARTZ - road marking solvent based paint
Quartz is a solvent based paint designed for application of road markings on asphalt and concrete surfaces. The 100% pure acrylic resin used in its composition makes it ideal for road marking application on all types of roads, highways, airports, but also for horizontal road marking signs, pedestrian crossings, bicycle lanes etc.
MoreSPRAYPLAST 100 - Cold plastic road marking paint based on methyl methacrylate
Sprayplast 100 is a 2K spray cold-plastic material based on MMA (methyl methacrylate). This bicomponent material forms hard and very resistant films in a very short time by curing with the help of the liquid hardener Farbeplast FP-IL.
MoreSPRAYPLAST 50 - Cold plastic road marking paint based on methyl methacrylate
Sprayplast 50 is a multi-component spray cold-plastic material based on MMA (methyl methacrylate). This cold-plastic road marking material forms hard and very resistant films in a very short time by curing with the help of the powder hardener Farbeplast FP-IP.
Farbeplast FP CA is a 2-K Cold-Plastic-System based on methyl methacrylate (MMA) resin and was designed to increase road safety in dry and wet weather conditions. Colored area markings made with Farbeplast FP CA incorporate anti-skid aggregates.
MoreTHERMOCOLOR HSP - Hot spray thermoplastic road marking material
Thermocolor HSP thermoplastic material has in its composition reflective glass beads and represents the optimal solution for refreshing thermoplastic road markings or for applying a thin layer of new road marking. Thermocolor HSP is designed for road markings application at a layer thickness of 800 up to 1500 µm on all bituminous or concrete surfaces (in which case it is mandatory to apply first AC-341 primer).
MoreTHERMOCOLOR P26 - Thermoplastic road marking material
Thermocolor P26 thermoplastic material is designed for application of flat road markings at a layer thickness of 2-3 mm. The thermoplastic material Thermocolor P26 can be applied through extrusion as longitudinal road marking or as transverse or diverse markings such as: horizontal road marking signs, pedestrian crossings, bicycle lanes, parking spaces etc.
MoreTHERMOCOLOR RS28 - Thermoplastic Multidot/Agglomerate road marking material
Thermocolor RS28 thermoplastic material is designed for application of multidot or resonator road markings on roads and highways. Most often in rain or in bad weather conditions, which cause poor night visibility, a properly marked road makes the difference.
MorePREFORM TCG - Prefabrykowany materiał termoplastyczny przeznaczony do poziomego oznakowania dróg
Prefabrykowany materiał termoplastyczny PREFORM TCG jest trwałym produktem o grubości 3 mm przeznaczonym do poziomego oznakowania dróg. PREFORM TCG może zostać zastosowany zarówno w miejscach o dużym natężeniu ruchu takich jak autostrady i drogi ekspresowe, jak i na nawierzchniach dróg miejskich i dróg wewnętrznych.
MorePLAYFORM - podwórkowe gry dla dzieci, dekoracje uliczne, symbole, reklamy i logo dla firm
PLAYFORM (gry podwórkowe, dekoracje uliczne, symbole, reklamy, logo dla firm) to produkty wytwarzane z prefabrykowanego materiału termoplastycznego o specjalnie zaprojektowanym wyglądzie, który stosowany jest w różnego typu grach (edukacyjne, integracyjne, ruchowe, planszowe), dekoracjach ulicznych oraz różnego rodzaju symbolach.
MoreAQUAMARK 3A - Waterborne road marking paint
Aquamark 3A is an environmentally friendly waterborne paint based on last generation acrylic emulsions. This easy to use paint is designed for application of road marking on asphalt surfaces.